Can You Put 87 in a Motorcycle?

87 is a fuel with an octane number of 87 for motorcycles, which indicates its resistance against variable combustions. Generally, you can add fuel to your motorbike according to its performance and compatibility.

Can You Put 87 in a Motorcycle? You can put 87 in a motorcycle because it is resistant to combustion, provides optimized engine performance, is standard gas, and is suggested by manufacturers. Some people do not use this because of different octane requirements, engine knocking, and more burning.

87 is a standard gas for motorbikes and their engines. However, it provides stable functionality at different temperatures and facilitates optimized mileage.

Why would you put 87 on a motorcycle?

Many people use the gas with an 87 octane number because the experts suggest it.

Resistant to combustion

You can use 87 gas because it has a standard octane rating. The number 87 indicates the resistance and stability of the gas against variable combustions. 

Furthermore, it has better stability and performance at various heat ranges. It can withstand the spontaneous combustion of motorcycle engines. 

However, these combustions happen because of the high internal temperatures of the motor. The motor temperature rises and heat increases which causes various mechanical damages.

It affects the strokes and combustion cycles. As a result, it undergoes spontaneous and variable combustions, which reduce motor efficiency. 

The ignition system malfunctions cause speed reduction and affect other functionalities of motorbikes. You can put 87 in the fuel system because the gas can withstand sudden combustion. 

Similarly, it has higher compatibility with these motors. The spark plugs and other parts do not trigger the combustion. 

However, the high heat can result in variable and sudden combustion. Also, this gas can stabilize the fuel injection system and ignition. 

Optimized engine performance

Many people put 87 in their motorbikes because it provides optimized engine efficiency. Furthermore, they remain stable with this octane rating. 

Also, you can add a similar fuel grade to the motor by following the manual instructions. It can improve the performance of pistons and increase the compression ratio. 

The gas can increase combustion and improve fuel mixing with air. It can decrease the engine knocking to a specific level. 

Sometimes, the knock increases when the octane level reduces from 87 in the motorbikes. It has resistance to motor detonation according to its composition and efficiency. 

Standard gas

87 is a standard gas for motorcycles, and you can add it for better mileage and optimized speed. However, it has low octane rating than other options in its category. 

It provides stable resistance against variable and spontaneous combustions. The gas stations have 87 fuel for motorbikes.

However, they offer them for optimized motor performance. You can see it at the gas stations because it has more sales than the premium options. 

It is a standard gas that is beneficial and compatible with many engines. The low-input motors have reduced compressions and work best with 87-octane gas ratings. 

The gas stations have different ranges of gases, and 87 is one of the most famous options for motorcyclists. Moreover, it is in demand because of its high performance and reliability.


You can add 87 when the motorbike engine does not require premium options. It is a less expensive, stable, and reliable gas.

Similarly, you can select it at the lowest price than the premium options according to its demand, composition, and octane rating. 

Some people select a higher octane gas for their motorcycles to improve motor efficiency and speed. However, the standard 87 is one of the best and most cost-effective options for less advanced to high output motors. 

Its low cost makes it a demanding gas for many riders. Furthermore, they refill their tanks with this gas for long trips because its price per gallon is low. 

Manufacturer recommendations

Several motorcycles have built-in high-performance, high-compression, and long-lasting engines. They require a higher octane gas for their standard efficiency. 

However, their manufacturers suggest a specific octane gas level for the motorcycle. You can find it in the manual and follow the guidelines for their optimized performance. 

The manufacturers and experts suggest 87 because it has different additives. For example, 10% ethanol of this gas can increase the efficiency of carburetors. 

It is a standard and suggested fuel octane rating for motorcycle owners. Also, it comprises isooctane which increases its efficiency and improves speed.

Why do some people not use 87 on a motorcycle?

A motorcycle has a specific fuel grade because of its models and manufacturer’s suggestions. Some people do not use 87 in their motorbikes due to the mentioned reasons. 

Different octane requirement

A few motorcycles require high-grade and premium octane gas ratings for stable engine performance, enhanced mileage, and better speed conditions. 

Therefore, you cannot add 87 to them because it has a low octane rating. It cannot stabilize these high-output compression engines and reduces the mileage. 

People do not use it because they require different octane fuel ratings. Their motors have high temperatures, and 87 cannot stabilize at these heat levels. 

Its addition to the systems which require high-grade premium fuel can lead to reduced mileage and low accelerations. Also, it can damage the metallic parts of the motors and decrease their standard efficiency. 

Engine knocking

The octane ratings of the gas can decrease the engine knocking. However, a few high-performance motorcycles have specific engines which have more compression. 

They work at high temperatures, and their combustion cycles vary. Furthermore, the fuel mix with air in combustion cylinders, and their mixing vary from the standard level. 

It leads to knocking when you add a low-grade and regular 87 in the injector system. 

Also, it has minimum resistance against the knocking of these high-performance power systems, which require premium fuel for their standard combustions. 

As a result, you cannot add it to the high-compression and higher-output motors. Motor knocking is dangerous and causes several internal cracks in the engine. 

Furthermore, it can reduce mileage and affects the other mechanical components. 

More burning

The gas with an octane level of 87 burns faster than premium fuel. The fast burning reduces its level within hours. 

It affects engine performance and horsepower. You cannot add it to a fuel system that requires high-grade gas. 

Its 87-octane rating cannot withstand heat, pressure, and excessive combustions in high-output motors. The manufacturing companies of 87 fuel make it from low-quality oils and add minimum additives. 

It has reduced stability than the premium fuel options. Therefore, it burns more, which reduces its efficiency. Moreover, its performance decreases from the standard threshold.

The fast burning of the fuel leads to more refills. In such circumstances, it affects the budget of motorcyclists and causes sudden engine failures. 

The fuel level reduces without significant signs while you fill 87 in the high-performance fuel injection system.

Why 87 in a motorcycle called regular gas?

87 gas has a crude oil origin making it a regular gas for motorcycles. Moreover, the manufacturers do not refine it as other premium options. 

It has several hydrocarbons, which make it less stable. Many riders prefer this regular 87 gas because it has resistance against pre-mature and spontaneous combustions. 

Also, it is cost-effective, which increases its demand from the premium options. A few manufacturers suggest this regular fuel because it has optimized efficiency for several motorcycles and their engines. 

It has the lowest octane rating and makes it a regular gas. Furthermore, it is the most used and famous fuel in the USA for motorbikes.

The crude oil makes it flammable and indicates reduced stability at high temperatures. Sometimes, the regular fuel breakdown when the engine temperature increases beyond its handling capacity.

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